Individual Occupational Therapy Services
After an initial evaluation, therapy will be provided with a child and caregiver in the outdoor setting of Tendrils Therapy. Individual services are best for children and caregivers who are just learning what it means to be different, or who are not yet ready for a lot of playmates. Services will address physical challenges, emotional regulation difficulties, sensory needs and play skills.
$85 per hour. Sessions typically last one hour per week, but times may be adjusted based on your child’s need.

Occupational Therapy Evaluation- First Time
This essential “get to know you” session will ideally take place in your home to provide important background information about how your child functions in the family and larger environment. A variety of industry-respected surveys, questionnaires and standardized tests will be considered and used as relevant. Skilled observations will also guide the process. Caregivers and therapists will decide on goals for ongoing treatment, as well as a means for tracking your child’s progress. A written report will be provided to help ensure understanding and agreement on the therapy process.
$175 per evaluation with 2 hours contact time and written report.