Family Play Day (and NIGHT!)
Monthly themed play dates at Tendrils Therapy will be seasonally relevant and full of fun!
All members of the family are encouraged to come out and play together! (Caregiver supervision is required for the fun and safety of all.)
Nature-based play activities will be encouraged to enjoy at your families own pace and interest.
A themed “food experience” will also be provided to encourage trying new foods and exploring home-grown harvests.
Family love
february 15
Love for nature is great way to celebrate this Valentine’s season. We’ll make our own “Love Boats” out of natural and recycled materials to watch them float in puddles and see how they navigate the wilds of the creek.
10 am to noon, $20 per family group requested. Reservations required.
Lucky Green
March 15
Green is the theme of the month with St. Patricks Day right around the corner. Join us for a collection of green actitivites, including searching for lucky clovers and collecting leaves and stems in so many shades of green!
10 am to noon, $20 per family group requested. Reservations required.
Howl at the Moon!
April 12
A full moon rising will set the scene for this special evening. The change from day to night brings a whole new cast of animal charecters. We’ll take an evening adventure and make time for treats around the fire for a spectacular spring celebration.
7 pm to 9 pm, $20 per family group requested. Reservations required.
